Sunday, 25 November 2012

Types of digital graphics used to create digital images

Types of digital graphics used to create digital images

There is many types of digital graphics such as raster images (bmp,gif,tiff,jpg) all of these are commonly used to create digital images          


BMP – Microsoft’s own home-grown image format, “BMP” file type is used in the windows environment for many various things and purposes such as displaying icons on computers and images etc but outside of that it’s got barley and purpose at all and are unsuitable for web use or printing

GIF -  Gif was one of the original web graphic files formats that supported 1-bit transparency and simple “low graphics” animations, but overall GIF is the best web option for images with flat and very simple colours such as drawings you make in illustratotor, Gif is rarely a good use outside of the internet due to the “Loseless” format meaning, even if the file is compressed no quality will be lost so that is why it’s most commonly used on the internet

JPG – JPG files are most commonly “.JPG” saved as extension, the acutely makers of the “.JPG” extension is a group called “Joint Photographic Experts Group” .JPG files are primarily used for images and mostly always are when you take one off the internet, most images are JPG due to JPG reduces the size of images by quite a bit also it is quite common for cameras to actually store JPEG format and basically can be opened up by all graphics programs in use (Photoshop, Paint, ETC.)

TIFF – tiff remains a very popular format due to it is strictly a bitmap – only format, which cannot support any type of vector data, but also can have levels of compression applied into it, tiff can support a very wide variety of colour models and resolutions and it also known for its reliability on the internet although it does produce very large files that commonly need to be compressed down 

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